Source code for scripts.status_code

import httplib
import random
import string
from urlparse import urlparse

[docs]def get_status_code(url): """ This function gets the status code of a website (host) by requesting HEAD data from the host. This means that it only requests the headers. If the host cannot be reached or something else goes wrong, it returns None instead. Thanks to Evan Fosmark - Works as following:: >>> url = '' >>> get_status_code(url) 200 >>> url = '' >>> get_status_code(url) 404 >>> url = '' >>> get_status_code(url) 500 If it takes more than 5 seconds to get the header we assume that there is a problem with the server and returns a 500 code. The server might be OK, but if it's taking that long to respond, we should assume that it's down - our users won't tolerate it taking that long. """ """ The following code adds a cache-breaking code to the end of any string that doesn't have a query string. This is important as a lot of the unauthenticated pages in my django projects are cached. This bypasses it by making the URL semi-unique, or at least unique enough every time the page is called. """ try: url.index('?') except: url = url + '?cb=' + ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for x in range(8)) o = urlparse(url) try: """ Timeout to 5 seconds - if it takes longer than that people will be pissed off anyway and we need to find out why it's running this slowly. """ if o.scheme == 'http': conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(o.netloc, timeout=5) else: conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(o.netloc, timeout=5) conn.request("HEAD", o.path) return conn.getresponse().status except StandardError: """ If it can't get a code, then it's a 500 error - the site is probably down. It might not be a 500, but we should treat it as if it is """ return 500
if __name__ == "__main__": status = get_status_code('') print status status = get_status_code('https://nailsea/test/testcard.html') print status

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