Source code for monitor.templatetags.readable_time

from django import template
register = template.Library()

[docs]def readable_time(value): """ Pass it a time in seconds and it returns a human readable string showing the hours, minutes and seconds """ if value: hours, remainder = divmod(value, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) if hours == 0: hours_str = '' elif hours == 1: hours_str = '1 hour, ' else: hours_str = '%s hours, ' %(hours) if minutes == 1: min_str = '1 minute' else: min_str = '%s minutes' %(minutes) if seconds == 0: sec_str = '' elif seconds == 1: sec_str = ', 1 second' else: sec_str = ', %s seconds' %(seconds) return hours_str + min_str + sec_str else: return value
register.filter('readable_time', readable_time)

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